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Achieve Your Goals

Bowl of Grains

Detox Programs

A Healthier You

First things first: Let’s determine if you actually need to do a detox. If you answer yes to any of the 10 questions below, it’s time to try one!

  1. Do you often feel bloated or gassy?

  2. Do you often feel constipated or have diarrhea?

  3. Have you been trying to lose weight but can’t seem to get started?

  4. Do you always get acne, rashes, dry skin, or just have an overall dull skin tone?

  5. Do you often get headaches or migraines?

As with any new diet program, be sure to consult a doctor before you begin your detox diet especially if you’re on any medications or have an ongoing medical condition.


We offer a variety of detoxes to support your weight-loss journey, improve gut health, as well as support your transition to a plant-based lifestyle. 

Buddha Bowls & Soups

Meal Plans

Buddha Bowls and Soups are a part of the weekly meal plans offered.


The weekly subscription is 52 USD for lunch or dinner for 103 USD.


Weight Loss Programs

Better Decisions

For years, Anasi Holistic Services has been providing Weight Loss Counseling with comprehensive plans that are catered to each individual’s needs. This specialized service puts individuals on the right track to healthy eating and living. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with these great tools and techniques.

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